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StatsWidgets – it is… this simple!

You may wonder why do we need another article about STATSCORE StatsWidgets! It is StatsWidgets here, StatsWidgets there, StatsWidgets, StatsWidgets everywhere… Well, we wanted to use this short one to show you how easy it is to start using it and how quickly you can create your own template and add it to any website you wish. Ready? Steady? Go!

What you see below is STANDING StatsWidget. Nice, isn’t it?

You could ask how long did it take us to add it. Well, we could now spend a couple of words explaining it step by step but nothing tells the story better than a song!

OK... The truth is that we do not sing too well but we still have a movie, so let the pictures speak for themselves.

Please accept marketing-cookies by clicking here to watch this video.

Woah! Actually: W-O-A-H!

And now imagine that you can be on the same page, subscribing to your free trial right now and adding your first widget to your desired website within a couple of minutes. Would you allow yourself to miss such an opportunity?

We know well you would not. This is why all you have to do is click below and start your free trial.

Want to know more? Drop us an email directly at cst@statscore.com or let’s talk on LiveChat!

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