STATSCORE Tipster technology, which has already enhanced football betting with real-time insights overlaid on the field, is now expanding this innovative feature to ice hockey, basketball, and handball. By embedding real-time, actionable betting tips directly into the...

3 tips that every sport website needs to follow
So you run your sports website and now you would like to see the numbers go up. No matter if this is the number of unique users, clicks or the time visitors spend on your page – you expect all of these numbers to remain on a constant rise. Let us share with you some...

So much more with ScoreFrame Exclusive
A very popular question is ‘what’s the difference between ScoreFrame and ScoreFrame exclusive?’ and the answer is lots! To fully appreciate just how much more, I need to highlight what you get with ScoreFrame and there’s plenty on offer here!
Cricket! the basics
I don’t understand Cricket! Living and working in a county that doesn’t play cricket, means I hear this statement all too often. As a company, STATSCORE, provides a cricket feed in our SportsAPI, and for me it’s always a real pleasure to explain the finer points of this game to both colleagues and friend (if I can get them to listen).
3 TeamCenter features that will take your business to a new level
Running a website for a sports team – whether it’s an official or unofficial site – there is always a common goal. It is all about attracting the highest possible number of users and building a relationship that will keep them coming back. To achieve this goal you need truly distinguishing features.

The future of sports with the letter ‘E’ by STATSCORE
Sports disciplines are constantly evolving - currently amid the competitions at the Olympics you can find for example, BMX or surfing, which for many years were just forms of entertainment. A similar story might be shared by one of the most dynamically developing...

Polsat Sport deploys STATSCORE’s CupCenter for the volleyball championships!
We are happy to inform everyone that our long-term media partner, Polsat Sport, has decided to entertain its fans with STATSCORE's brand new volleyball CupCenter. It will be in action for the men and women's world championships in 2018! Both tournaments can be...

STATSCORE launches a new SportsAPI partnership with Wirtualna Polska
We are happy to announce that Wirtualna Polska, the first ever Polish internet portal, has chosen our well known SportsAPI feeds to power up their sports services with STATSCORE's fast and reliable statistics. This is the beginning of a cooperation that will bring...

3 reasons for local media to choose STATSCORE
In these times of globalization local media is left as one of the few places, where the news about your neighbourhood still take priority over what's happening out there in the big wide world, and this includes the world of sport. Here at STATSCORE, we want to show...